Episode 3: Healing Waters Film Premiere.

Step into the Premiere magic and Dive into the life of Linda Troeller in “Healing waters”

The "Healing Waters" delves into the theme of the "female vision" in photography, addressing the challenges and opportunities women face in the digital age and social media-driven world. Linda's advice to aspiring photographers is to find their unique vision and remain focused amidst the ever-expanding realm of photography.

Listen to the episode here.

We all have visions and aspirations, as an aspiring photographer, how do you keep to the ever-expanding realm of photography?

Listen to Linda’s insight on self discovery and succeeding in the cinematic world as a model and phiotograper.

Guest Appearance: Linda Troller (Photographer)

Linda is a renowned photographer who’s art projects focus on self-portraits, women's and social issues. She made the Chelsea Hotel her base for 20 years, curating an exhibition for the 125thAnniversary, "Chelsea Hotel Through the Eyes of Photographers," and publishing a monograph, "Chelsea Hotel Atmosphere – An Artist's Memoir," 2007 and a new book, "Living in the Chelsea Hotel, Schiffer Publishing, 2015 that won the International Photo Award, 2016.

She returned to Colombia to teach self-portraiture to women in poverty in 2010 for the University of Antioquia.

She has an ongoing series of self-portraits, "Self-Reflection.

She graduated from Toms River High School which named her to their Hall of Fame, and resides in New York City and New Jersey.

You’ll Learn

- How to find your vision in the evolving world of photography #2

- Ageism and Empowerment #3

-Feminine Vision in Photography

-The power of self portrait in self discovery

Resource Links

Healing Waters Film website

Visit the Healing Waters website


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Linda Troeller Photo

A link to the collections of Linda Troller Photographic displays.

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Derek Johnson

I am a film producer, director, cinematographer, and sometimes writer.

I have a lifelong addiction to cameras, stories, and pizza. I am also known to go to unbelievable lengths to find a great cup of coffee.

I am known for creating powerful interviews that go really, really deep into storytelling and creative excellence in my cinematography. I am the founder of Kaifilms, a boutique film production company.

My first achievement in film production was documenting 9/11 in NYC, which led to 10 feature and 4 Emmy credits. I currently have several production films and an episodic true crime docuseries.


Episode 4: A conversation about our latest film “Seward” with Director Debra Pralle


Episode 2: Interviews are the Cornerstone of Kaifilms